ENGMAR will be present to Global In... 14/01/2025

ENGMAR is glad to exhibit at the 2025 edition of Global Industrie trade fair, a key event for Industry professionals.
ENGMAR is glad to exhibit at the 2025 edition of Global Industrie trade fair, a key event for Industry professionals.
ENGMAR will be present at Global Industrie Paris from March 25 to 28, 2024. A major exhibition in the industrial sector for many years.
Schweissen & Schneiden is the Europe's leading trade fair for the industrial sector in the fields of assembly technology, cutting and surface treatment.
Meet us at the French welding championship!
Meet us at EuroBLECH!
Meet us at the EuroBlech Digital Summit 27 - 30 October 2020!
Pour cette nouvelle édition, Engmar exposera du 5 au 8 novembre 2019 au Salon Schweisstec à Stuttgart.
ENGMAR exhibits at the trade fair Global Industrie from 5th to 8th march 2019.
ENGMAR is delighted to welcome candidates of on February 20 and 21 for the practical tests to select the best welders in the Auverne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Discover our new annual maintenance contract options for planned maintenance that complies with current regulations.
Welding processes expose welders to fumes inhalation. Learn more about all the risks related to fumes and how to protect from them.
ENGMAR open its doors during Industry Week to two groups pour show off welding industry and take part to Duoday to support inclusivity.
We are pleased to invite you to our new webinar about welding fumes extraction, introduced by our expert, Juliane OSMONT.
Welding generates fumes, the composition of which differs depending on the process and the filler metal used. Harmful particles formed by substances and gases that are harmful to health can enter the body and cause many cardiovascular and respiratory d
Discover the new ATMOFLOW extraction unit! This extraction unit filters up to 99.95% of particles from welding fumes of 0.3 μm and above.
New swing arm for separate wire feeder stand EQU22
Le dispositif soudage + sûr peut vous soutenir financièrement dans la prévention des risques du soudage. Cette aide est reconduite jusqu’au 30 septembre 2022.
New extraction unit AATIG, The most silent extraction unit on the market.
Lors du congrès annuel du DVS à Friedrichshafen en Allemagne, ENGMAR a fait une intervention sur les differentes solutions d'aspiration des fumées de soudage.
ENGMAR exhibits at the trade fair EuroBLECH from 23 to 26 October 2018.
ENGMAR était présent au salon Préventica Bordeaux 2018
ENGMAR a participé au RUN & BIKE de TARAREVOLUTION en juin 2018.
ENGMAR exhibits from 27th to 30th of March 2018 at the INDUSTRIE Paris trade fair
Happy New Year and a successful 2018 wishes you the staff of ENGMAR.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified welding fumes and UV radiation from welding as Group 1 carcinogens, the agency’s designation for agents that carry sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.
Daniel BONNEFON, Cogérant du Groupe BONNEFON, répond à une interview pour le site web Itinéraires d'entrepreneurs
ENGMAR exhibited at the Welding & Cutting trade fair 2017 at Düsseldorf in Germany.
ENGMAR a exposé au salon Industrie à Lyon du 4 au 7 avril 2017
ENGMAR exhibited on the EuroBLECH trade fair from 25 to 29 of October 2016 in Hanover/ Germany.
ENGMAR competes in the EuroBLECH competition "Clean Technology - Eco-friendly solutions and sustainable manufacturing methods". Vote for us!
Follow the construction of the new plant of ENGMAR...
Using an extraction torch of ENGMAR on galvanized steel with filler wire.
Engmar exhibit on the INDUSTRIE trade fair at Paris/ Villepinte from 4th to 8th of april 2016.
ENGMAR présente son nouveau logo qui accompagne l'évolution de la société.
Watch our new video (german language): Extraction welding guns by Engmar.
Source: www.dvs-tv.de, Sendung 34/2015
ENGMAR exhibits on the Schweisstec trade fair from 3 to 6 of november 2015 in Stuttgart/ Germany.
Our distributors SAMATEC and BONNEFON soudure exhibited on the Ouest industries tradefair from 2 to 4 june in Rennes.
ENGMAR était présent à la journée évènement de A2Si le vendredi, 5 juin à Saint Loubès (33).
ENGMAR exhibited on the INDUSTRIE tradefair at Lyon/France.
The extraction slit nozzles CBS where nominated for the Innovation Award.
ENGMAR a participé à la journée technico-commercial en soudage organisée par le SYMOP.
ENGMAR exhibited on the conference "Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding" from 4th to 5th of november 2014 at Hanover/Germany.
Find out about the efficiency of our extraction welding guns and slit nozzles...
ENGMAR was present on the INDUSTRIE Paris exhibition.
Read about HASE using our extraction torches (german).
Visit us on EuroBLECH at Hanover/ Germany hall 13, booth H51 and read about HASE using our extraction torches.
Installée dans ses nouveaux locaux de la zone de La Poste, à Saint-Romain-de-Popey, l’entreprise co-leader de l’aspiration des fumées émises par soudage est en pleine croissance.
Welding fume extraction at the source: ENGMAR exhibits on EuroBLECH fair at Hanover/ Germany hall 13, booth H51.
Welding fume extraction at the source: ENGMAR exhibited on Schweisstec trading fair at Stuttgart/ Germany.
Welding fume extraction at the source: ENGMAR exhibited on Schweisstec trading fair at Stuttgart/ Germany.
Welding fume extraction at the source: ENGMAR exhibited on Schweisstec trading fair at Stuttgart/ Germany.
Extraction welding torches by ENGMAR seen by the specialised german magazine "Schweissen und Schneiden".
Extraction of welding fumes: article in German specialized magazine "Produktion".
INDUSTRIE LYON 2015 : solution de filtration pour le soudage chez ENGMAR stand 4-D60.
Newsletter Tôlerie du 01/12/2014 sur l'installation de capteurs laminaires chez les compagnons du tour de France.
Read the interview with Julien Cheere, managing director of ENGMAR as well as our business profile on European business journal.
Retrouvez le témoignage de l'entreprise ZHENDRE qui a mis en place nos capteurs laminaires.
Le plateau de chaudronnerie industrielle du lycée Augustin-Thierry était ouvert aux entreprises accueillant régulièrement des élèves.
Lisez l'article sur l'aspiration des fumées de soudage paru dans Les Echos du 26/03/2014.
Tôlerie de mars 2014
Soudage et techniques connexes de mars / avril 2014
Machines production du 28 février 2014
INDUSTRIE infos de février 2014 sur l'aspiration des fumées de soudage avec ENGMAR.
Métal industries de février-mars 2014